
职 称:副教授



电子邮箱:20175080@nwu.edu.cn, LP19881028@163.com




2007.09 - 2011.07 长安大学 地质工程专业 本科;

2011.09 - 2013.07 长安大学 地质工程专业 硕士;

2013.09 - 2016.12 长安大学 地质工程专业 博士;

2014.09 - 2016.09 加拿大渥太华大学 土木工程专业 联合培养博士。


2021.10-           必威BETWAY官网  地质工程专业 副教授;

2017.03 -2021.09  必威BETWAY官网 地质工程专业 讲师;

2019.04 - 2019.08 加拿大渥太华大学 土木工程专业 访问学者。


1.          Xiao T., Li P.*, Fei W. B., Wang J. D.* 2024. Effects of vegetation roots on the structure and hydraulic properties of soils: A perspective review. Science of The Total Environment, 906, 167524. IF=9.8

2.          Sun, L., Li, P.*, Fei W. B., Wang, J. D. 2024. Influence of biochar on the soil‑water retention behavior of compacted loess in man‑made earth structures in loess regions. Journal of Soils and Sediments. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-023-03701-w.  IF=3.308

3.          Sun, L., Li, P.*, Xiao, T., Wang, J. D. 2023. Influence of compaction condition on the UCS and structure of compacted loess. Environmental Earth Sciences, 82, 411. IF=2.784

4.          Xiao T., Li P.*, Pan Z. H., Wang J. D. 2022. Effect of compaction condition on the water retention capacity, microstructure and its evolution during drying of compacted loess. Geoenvironmental Disasters, 9, 27.

5.          Li P., Pan Z. H., Xiao T., Wang J. D*. 2023. Effects of molding water content and compaction degree on the microstructure and permeability of compacted loess. Acta Geotechnica. 18, 921-936. IF=5.856

6.          Zhang Z. C., Pan Z. H., Li P.* 2022. Microstructural and mechanical effect of salt crystallization on remolded loess, Environmental Earth Sciences, 81, 365. IF=2.784

7.          Xiao T., Li P.*, Pan Z. H., Hou Y. F., Wang J. D. 2022. Relationship between water retention capacity and pore‑size distribution of compacted loess. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 22: 3151-3165. IF=3.308

8.          Xiao T., Li P.*, Shao S. J. 2022. Fractal dimension and its variation of intact and compacted loess. Powder Technology, 395: 476-490. IF=5.134

9.          Hou Y. F., Li P.*, Wang J. D. 2021. Review of chemical stabilizing agents for improving the physical and mechanical properties of loess. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 80, 9201-9215. IF=4.298

10.      Li P.*, Shao, S. J.*, Xiao T., Zhu D. D. 2021. Pore-Size Distribution Evolution of Intact, Compacted, and Saturated Loess from China during Consolidation and Shearing. Advances in Civil Engineering, 6644471. IF=1.924

11.      Li P.*, Shao, S. J.* 2020. Can X‑ray computed tomography (CT) be used to determine the pore‑size distribution of intact loess? Environmental Earth Sciences, 79, 29. IF=2.784

12.      Li P.*, Shao, S. J.*, Vanapalli S. K. 2020. Characterizing and modeling the pore-size distribution evolution of a compacted loess during consolidation and shearing. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 20, 2855-2867. IF=3.308

13.      Wang J. D., Li P.*, Ma Y., Vanapalli S. K., Wang X. G. 2020. Change in pore-size distribution of collapsible loess due to loading and inundating. Acta Geotechnica, 15:1081–1094. IF=5.856

14.      Li P., Xie W. L.*, Pak R. Y. S., Vanapalli S. K. 2019. Microstructural evolution of loess soils from the Loess Plateau of China. Catena, 173:276-288.IF=5.198

15.      Wang J. D., Li P.*, Gu Q., Xu Y. J., Gu T. F. 2019. Changes in tensile strength and microstructure of loess due to vibration. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 169: 298-307. IF=3.449

16.      Wang J. D., Li P.*, Ma Y, Vanapalli S. K. 2019. Evolution of pore-size distribution of intact loess and remolded loess due to consolidation. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19(3): 1226-1238. IF=3.308

17.      Xie W. L., Li P.*, Zhang M. S., Chen T. E., Wang Y. 2018. Collapse behavior and microstructural evolution of loess soils from the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Mountain Science, 15(8): 1642-1657. IF=2.071

18.      Li P., Vanapalli S. K.* 2018. Simple method for prediction of the soil collapse behavior due to wetting. International Journal of Geomechanics, 18(11): 06018026.IF=3.819

19.      Li P., Li T. L.*, Vanapalli S. K. 2018. Prediction of soil-water characteristic curve for Malan loess in Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Central South University, 25: 432−447.IF=1.716

20.      Wang J. D., Li P.*, Ma Y., Li T. L. 2018. Influence of irrigation method on the infiltration in loess: field study in the Loess Plateau. Desalination and Water Treatment, 110298-307. IF=1.254

21.      Xie W. L., Li P.*, Vanapalli S. K., Wang J. D. 2019. Prediction of the wetting-induced collapse behavior using the soil-water characteristic curve. Journal of Asian Earth Science. 151, 259-268. IF=3.449

22.      Li P., Li T. L.*, and Vanapalli S. 2016. Influence of environmental factors on the wetting front depth: A case study in the Loess Plateau. Engineering Geology, 214: 1-10.IF=6.755

23.      Li P., Vanapalli S.*, Li T. 2016. Review of collapse triggering mechanism of collapsible soils due to wetting. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 8: 256-274. IF=4.338

24.      杨几,肖涛,孙靓,史亚瑞,李萍*. 2024. 植被根系对土体水力学特性影响的现状与定量分析. 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版), 54(1): 53-62.

25.      潘振辉, 肖涛*, 李萍. 压实度与制样含水率对压实黄土微结构及水力特性的影响. 岩土力学,43(1)357-366.

26.      肖涛,李萍*,邵生俊. 2021. 压实黄土在固结和剪切过程中的微结构演化. 岩土工程学报,43(1)66-71.

27.      李萍,李同录,侯艺飞,肖涛.2019.马兰黄土湿陷过程的微结构特征分析.工程地质学报,27()474-480

28.      侯艺飞,李萍*,肖涛,郝瑞华.2019.固化剂加固黄土研究综述.工程地质学报,27()481-488

29.      肖涛,李萍*,侯艺飞,刘一民.2019.植被护坡研究综述.工程地质学报,27()379-385

30.      潘振辉, 李萍*, 肖涛.黄土水分入渗规律的数值模拟研究. 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版), 2021, 51(03): 470-484.

31.      李萍, 李同录, 付昱凯, . 非饱和黄土中降雨入渗规律的现场监测研究. 中南大学学报, 2014, 45(10): 3551-3560. (EI 检索).

32.      李萍, 李同录, 侯晓坤, . 黄土中毛细上升速率的现场测试. 河海大学学报, 2014, 42(6): 503-507.

33.      李萍, 张志超, 许金良, . 山东省公路水文区划研究. 公路交通科技, 2014, 31(6): 53-62.

34.      李萍, 李同录, 王红, . 非饱和黄土的土-水特征曲线与渗透系数的Childs & Collis-Geroge模型预测. 岩土力学, 2013, 34 (supp.2): 184-189. (EI 检索).

35.      李萍, 李同录, 王阿丹, .黄土中水分迁移规律现场试验研究. 岩土力学, 2013, 34(5): 1331-1339. (EI 检索).

36.      李萍, 赵纪飞, 李同录. 山西乡宁-吉县地区黄土高边坡可靠度研究. 地球科学与环境学报, 2012, 34(2): 81-89.

37.      37.      de Oliveira O. M., Li P., Marinho F. A.*, and Vanapalli S. K. 2016. Mechanical Behaviour of a Compacted Residual Soil of Gneiss from Brazil under Constant Water Content Condition. Indian Geotechnical Journal, 46(3): 299-308. (EI 检索).

38.      张常亮, 李萍, 李同录, . 黄土中降雨入渗规律的现场监测研究. 水利学报, 2014, 45(6): 728-734. (EI 检索).

39.      张志超, 李萍, 许金良. 基于ArcGIS的山东省公路岩土区划研究. 公路工程, 2014, 39(1): 263-268.

40.      Li P., Vanapalli S. K. 2018. Relationship between the wetting-induced collapse behaviour and soil-water characteristic curve of unsaturated soils. The 7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils (Hong Kong, China, 3-5 August 2018). 

41.      Li P., Vanapalli S. K., and Li T. L. 2015. Understanding the collapsible behavior of loess from microstructure information. In Unsaturated Soil Mechanics-from Theory to Practice: Proceedings of the 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils (Guilin, China, 23-26 October 2015). 

42.      Li P., Vanapalli S. K., and Li T. L. 2015. Estimation of the wetting front depth in a loess soil deposit in response to environmental factors. In 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference (Quebec City, Canada, 20-23 September 2015). 

43.      Li P., Li T. L., Xing X. L., Wang H. 2015. In-situ observation on regularities of rainfall infiltration in cold and dry loess area. In IAEG XII Congress on Engineering Geology for Society and Territory (Torino, Italy, 15-19 September 2014). 


       1.  2017.01-2021.12,国家自然科学基金重点项目黄土滑坡的人工振动促渗促滑机理研究,参与;

2.  2018.07-2020.09,陕西省黄土力学与工程重点实验室开放基金压实黄土增湿变形特性及预测模型研究,主持;

3.  2019.07-2021.06,中国博士后面上基金黄土滑坡滑带土微观结构多尺度定量研究,主持;

4.  2021.01-2023.12,自然科学基金青年项目,考虑水分入渗过程的大厚度压实黄土场地增湿变形预测研究,主持;

5.  2019.01-2020.12教育部西部矿产资源与地质工程重点实验室开放基金“黄土滑坡滑带土微观结构定量研究”,主持;

6. 2024.01-2025.12教育部西部矿产资源与地质工程重点实验室开放基金“加载和入渗作用下抽水蓄能电站库基压实黄土变形机制多尺度研究”,主持;

7. 2018.01-2019.12,陕西省教育厅专项基金“压实黄土湿陷的微结构效应”,主持。


       1.  2022.03,结构性黄土的强度准则与土压力理论及边坡稳定性,陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果一等奖,排名第五。


       1.  讲授本科生《基础工程》;

2.  讲授研究生《岩土测试技术》;

3. 本科生专业实习;

4. 2019.09, The Tenth Anniversary Excellent Paper Award. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Cpuncil(第一作者);

5.  2019.12,必威betway体育官方网站青年教师讲课比赛一等奖;

6.  2021.11,必威betway体育官方网站青年教师讲课比赛一等奖;

7.  2022.05援外工程起烽烟,大国工匠觅摇篮国际专才培养模式,陕西省教学成果二等奖,排名第五;

8.  2021.11援外工程起烽烟,大国工匠觅摇篮国际专才培养模式,必威BETWAY官网教学成果一等奖,排名第五;

9. 2024.12, The 20th Anniversary Award to Most Influential Article, Journal of Mountain Science(通讯作者)




