职 称:讲师
1. Gao, Y., Jiang, X., Liu, F., Wang, X., Liu, R., 2017. Sedimentary characteristics and formation mechanisms of lacustrine beach-bars in the fourth member of the Shahejie Formation in the Shubei area, western depression of the Liaohe Oilfield, China. Journal of Earth Science, 28(6): 1178-1190.
2. Gao, Y., Jiang, Z., Best, J. L., Liu, S., Zhang, J., 2019. Small- and large- scale soft-sediment deformations in a Triassic lacustrine delta caused by overloading and seismicity in the Ordos Basin, Central China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 103, 126-149.
3. Gao, Y., Jiang, Z., Best, J. L., Zhang, J., 2020. Soft-sediment deformation structures as indicators of tectono-volcanic activity during evolution of a lacustrine basin: a case study from Upper Triassic Ordos Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 115, 104250.
4. Liu, S., Jiang, Z., Gao, Y., He, Y., Han, C., 2019. The Upper Permian volcanic-sedimentary succession in northern Qamdo Block, central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its sedimentary, paleogeographic and tectonic significance. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 12, 1-17.
5. 高艺, 姜在兴, 李俊杰, 刘圣乾, 吴明昊, 王夏斌. 古地貌恢复及其对滩坝沉积的控制作用-以辽河西部凹陷曙北地区沙四段为例, 油气地质与采收率, 2015, 22, 40-46.
6. Liu, R., Jiang, Z., Wang, M., Yang, W., Guo, J., Wu, M., Gao, Y., Wei, S., Nie, Z., He, H. 2017. Reservoir characteristics and controlling factors of Silurian Lower Kepingtage Formation in Tahe area, Tarim Basin, NW China. Journal of Earth Science, 28, 1135-1144.
7. Wang, X., Wan, L., Jiang, Z., Liu, R., Wang, X., Tang, W., Gao, Y., Liu, S., Xu, W. 2017. Controlling factors and accumulation model of hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Upper Cretaceous Yogou Formation, Koulele Area, Termit Basin, Niger. Journal of Earth Science, 28, 1126-1134.
8. 刘圣乾, 姜在兴, 王夏斌, 陈骥, 高艺, 吴明昊, 孙晓伟, 栾天思, 辽河西部凹陷西斜坡沙四段储层特征及成岩作用对其影响. 现代地质, 2015, 29, 692-701.
9. 刘若涵, 姜在兴, 王旭影, 汤望新, 刘超, 高艺. 尼日尔Termit盆地上白垩统Madama组地震相识别与沉积相演化分析. 海相油气地质, 2017, 22, 59-66.
1. 高艺,姜在兴,一种古水深的定量恢复方法以及装置,中国,ZL201610298524.2,
2. 姜在兴,高艺,王俊辉,张元福,一种确定沉积地层古地貌的方法及装置,中国,ZL201510185376.9,
3. 姜在兴,高艺,一种古水深的定量恢复方法,香港,HK1230415;
4. 姜在兴,王俊辉,张元福,高艺,基于沿岸沙坝厚度定量方法的古风力测量方法及装置,中国,ZL201510185331.1
5. 姜在兴,王俊辉,张元福,高艺,一种古湖泊中沿岸沙坝原始厚度的测量方法及装置,中国,ZL201510185547.8
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,地震与洪水作用触发湖盆重力流沉积的识别与差异性研究:以鄂尔多斯盆地长7段为例,2021/01-2023/12,主持;
2. 中国博士后科学基金,利用底层面构造识别重力流沉积类型及流体演化特征以建立精细沉积相模式—以鄂尔多斯盆地延长组为例,2020/11-2022/02,主持;
3. 中石油长庆油田,元城油田元中区精细油藏描述研究,2021/06-2021/12,主持;
4. 中石油长庆油田,不同类型致密气藏机理与富集规律研究,2022/06-2024/12,骨干成员;
5. 辽河油田,鄂尔多斯盆地辽河矿权区构造沉积演化与油气成藏特征研究,2020/07-2021/06,骨干成员;
6. 南阳油田,旬邑及其周缘地区延长组沉积及油气成藏特征研究,2018/06-2019/12,骨干成员;
7. “十三五”国家科技重大专项,重点油气勘探新领域储层地质与评价(2017ZX05009-002),2017/01-2020/12,参加;
Gao Y, Jiang Z, Zhang J, Liu S, Best JL, Yang D, van Loon AJ. Chapter 20 - Late Triassic tectono-volcanic activity and resulting soft-sediment deformation structures in the Yanchang Formation (Ordos Basin, China). In: Yang R, Van Loon AJ (eds). The Ordos Basin. Elsevier, 2022, pp 371-393.
2021.06 捷克布拉格,IAS 2021,报告题目《Instability and Soft-Sediment Deformation of a Triassic Lacustrine Delta, Ordos Basin, Central China》。
2020.12 重庆市,中国地球科学联合学术会议2020,报告题目《软沉积物变形构造指示湖盆构造演化特征-以鄂尔多斯盆地延长组为例》。
2020.09 美国休斯顿,AAPG ACE 2020,报告题目《Sedimentary Characteristics of a Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate System and Their Controlling Factors in a Rifted Lacustrine Basin: A Case Study From the Oligocene Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China》。
2017.10 英国伦敦,AAPG ICE 2017,报告题目《Sedimentary Characteristics and Controlling Factors of a Tight Sandstone Reservoir in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Southwest Ordos Basin, China》。
2017.04 奥地利维也纳,EGU General Assembly 2017年会,报告题目《A deltaic-sediment gravity flow depositional system in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Southwest Ordos Basin, China》。
2016.10 河南焦作,第十四届全国古地理学及沉积学学术会议,报告题目《辽河西部凹陷曙北地区沙四段滩坝沉积体系沉积特征与形成机制研究》。
2015.10 湖北武汉,2015年全国沉积学大会——沉积学与非常规资源学术会议,报告题目《东营凹陷东辛油田沙一段滩坝沉积特征与控制因素研究》。