
职 称:教授





韩以贵(Yigui Han),男,1979年生,江苏人。目前主要研究兴趣包括塔里木–天山地区古块体聚散历史、造山作用过程及其与全球古大陆演化的关系学习工作经历:2000年本科毕业于吉林大学地球科学学院(原长春地质学院),获地质矿产勘查专业学士学位。2000–2007年在中国地质大学(北京)先后获得构造地质学专业硕士和博士学位,之后留校任实验师、副研究员(2007–2011)。2012–2015年在香港大学地球科学系获得岩石学专业博士学位,之后从事研究助理、博士后研究工作(2016–2018)。2019年任职必威betway体育官方网站。  

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yigui_Han

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.hk/citations?user=aG-lIRsAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN


1. 代表性论著

Han, Y.G., Zhao, G.C.*, Cawood, P.A., Sun, M., Liu, Q., Yao, J.L., 2019. Plume-modified collision orogeny: The Tarim–western Tianshan example in Central Asia. Geology 47, 10011005.

Han, Y.G., Zhao, G.C.*, 2018. Final amalgamation of the Tianshan and Junggar orogenic collage in the southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Constraints on the closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. Earth-Science Reviews 186, 129–152.

Han, Y.G., Zhao, G.C.*, Cawood, P.A., Sun, M., Eizenhöfer, P.R., Hou, W.Z., Zhang, X.R., Liu, Q., 2016. Tarim and North China cratons linked to northern Gondwana through switching accretionary tectonics and collisional orogenesis. Geology 44, 95–98.

Han, Y.G., Zhao, G.C.*, Sun, M., Eizenhöfer, P.R., Hou, W.Z., Zhang, X.R., Liu, D.X., Wang, B., 2016. Detrital zircon provenance constraints on the initial uplift and denudation of the Chinese western Tianshan after the assembly of the southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Sedimentary Geology 339, 1–12.

 Han, Y.G., Zhao, G.C.*, Sun, M., Eizenhöfer, P.R., Hou, W.Z., Zhang, X.R., Liu, Q., Wang, B., Liu, D.X., Xu, B., 2016. Late Paleozoic subduction and collision processes during the amalgamation of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt along the South Tianshan suture zone. Lithos 246–247, 1–12.

 Han, Y.G., Zhao, G.C.*, Sun, M., Eizenhöfer, P.R., Hou, W.Z., Zhang, X.R., Liu, D.X., Wang, B., Zhang, G.W., 2015. Paleozoic accretionary orogenesis in the Paleo-Asian Ocean: Insights from detrital zircons from Silurian to Carboniferous strata at the northwestern margin of the Tarim Craton. Tectonics 34, 334–351.

 Han, Y.G.*, Wang, Y., Zhao, G.C., Cao, Q.Y., 2014. Syn-tectonic emplacement of the Late Mesozoic Laojunshan granite pluton in the eastern Qinling, central China: An integrated fabric and geochronologic study. Journal of Structural Geology 68, 1–15.

 Han, Y.G.*, Zhang, S.H., Pirajno, F., Zhou, X.W., Zhao, G.C., Qü, W.J., Liu, S.H., Zhang, J.M., Liang, H.B., Yang, K., 2013. U-Pb and Re-Os isotopic systematics and zircon Ce4+/Ce3+ ratios in the Shiyaogou Mo deposit in eastern Qinling, central China: Insights into the oxidation state of granitoids and Mo (Au) mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews 55, 29–47.

 Han, Y.G.*, Zhang, S.H., Pirajno, F., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y.H., 2009. New 40Ar–39Ar age constraints on the deformation along the Machaoying fault zone: Implications for Early Cambrian tectonism in the North China Craton. Gondwana Research 16, 255–263.

 Han, Y.G.*, Zhang, S.H., Pirajno, F., Zhang, Y.H., 2007. Evolution of the Mesozoic granites in the Xiong'ershan‐ Waifangshan region, western Henan Province, China, and its tectonic implications. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 81, 253–265.

 Han, Y.G.*, Li, X.H., Zhang, S.H., Zhang, Y.H., Chen, F.K., 2007. Single grain Rb-Sr dating of euhedral and cataclastic pyrite from the Qiyugou gold deposit in western Henan, central China. Chinese Science Bulletin 52, 1820–1826.

2. 科研项目

国家自然科学基金面上项目(新疆南天山古生代中期弧岩浆作用对增生造山转换过程的约束,42072264),2021 - 2024,主持

大陆动力学国家重点实验室团队重点课题,2020 - 今,主持

国家自然科学基金重点项目塔里木克拉通上元古界和下古生界碎屑锆石物源示踪及其对冈瓦纳大陆重建的意义,41730213),2018 - 2022,参加(赵国春教授主持)

国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(豫西地区早白垩世花岗岩及同期岩墙侵位机制对区域构造演化的制约,41102038),2012 - 2014,主持

3. 荣誉和奖励

2016年  2015-16 Sartorius Hong Kong Scholarship(香港大学)

受邀担任以下国际期刊审稿人:Earth-Science Reviews, Tectonics, GSA Bulletin, Science China-Earth Sciences, Precambrian Research, Lithos, Tectonophysics, Gondwana Research, Ore Geology Reviews等。曾获Tectonophysics期刊“Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing”荣誉。见:https://publons.com/researcher/3072610/yigui-han/
