职 称:副教授
Chao Wang, Yang Li*, Yigui Han*, Guochun Zhao, Houchun Guan, Yao Wang, Song Wang, Liyuan Xi. Late Neoproterozoic meta-gabbro in northeastern margin of the Yangtze Block: Magmatism related to late breakup of the Rodinia. Precambrian Research, 2023, 388: 106998.
Furong Tan, Yang Li*, Yigui Han*, Guochun Zhao, Shiming Liu, Fangpeng Du, Zhiqing Xie, Ping Lu. First discovery of biodegraded petroleum in the South Qilian Basin, Northwest China: Implications for the origin of gas hydrates. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2023, 242: 105490.
Furong Tan*, Yang Li*, Fangpeng Du, Shiming Liu, Weixiong Cui, Zhiwu Liu, Qingming Geng, Ping Lu. Origin of the Gas Hydrate and Free Gas in the Qilian Permafrost, Northwest China: Evidence from Molecular Composition and Carbon Isotopes. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2021, 95: 602-616.
Wei Tao, Yang Li*, Yingtao Chen*, Rukui Lu*, Yazhou Ran, Pengpeng Zhang, Guowei Zhang. Syn-tectonic emplacement during sinistral transpression: The Late Triassic Gaoqiao pluton in the South Qinling Belt, central China. Geological Journal, 2021, 56: 995-1011.
Chen Y.T.*, Zhang G.W., Lu R.K., Luo T.T., Li Y.*, Yu W.X. Formation and evolution of Xianshuihe Fault Belt in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Constraints from structural deformation and geochronology. Geological Journal, 2020, 55: 7953-7976.
Yang Li, Sanzhong Li*, Wentian Liang, Rukui Lu, Youjun Zhang, Xiyao Li, Pengcheng Wang, Yongjiang Liu, Ian Somerville, Guowei Zhang. Incremental emplacement and syn-tectonic deformation of Late Triassic granites in the Qinling Orogen: Structural and geochronological constraints. Gondwana Research, 2019, 72: 194-212.
Li, Y.*, Liang, W.T., Zhang, G.W., Ran, Y.Z., Shen, Q., Wang, J.L., Jin, C.S. Granitoid emplacement during syn-convergent transtension: An example from the Huamenlou pluton in North Qinling, central China. Geoscience Frontiers, 2018, 9: 191-205.
Li, Y., Liang, W.T.*, Zhang, G.W., Jiang, D.Z., Wang, J.L. Tectonic setting of the Late Triassic magmatism in the Qinling Orogen: New constraints from the interplay between granite emplacement and shear zone deformation in the Shagou area. Geological Journal, 2017, 52: 250-271.
李阳,梁文天*,靳春胜,董云鹏,袁洪林,张国伟. 秦岭沙沟街韧性剪切带的岩石磁学、磁组构和运动学涡度分析. 岩石学报, 2017, 33: 1919-1933.
NSFC面上项目: 秦岭造山带中生代构造—岩浆演化与构造体制转换研究(2022.01~2025.12)
NSFC面上项目: 新疆南天山古生代中期弧岩浆作用对增生造山转换过程的约束(2021.01~2024.12 )
NSFC面上项目: 秦岭造山带早中生代花岗岩构造及其与造山作用关系 (2017.01~2020.12 )
横向项目:银额盆地构造变形与演化研究 (2020.05~2021.05)
横向项目:环北部湾广东水资源配置工程(可研阶段)专项工程地质调查 (2020.10~2021.12)
李三忠,刘博,李玺瑶,李阳,索艳慧. 区域海底构造(中册). 北京: 科学出版社, 2019.